
UrbanTide launches new IoT data insights platform

November 25, 2022


UrbanTide has launched a brand new data insights tool that will help organizations build a better understanding of how we live and use our homes with real-time energy data.

uSmart is a big data insights platform that is currently integrating real-time IoT data from 290 homes. This live data includes gas usage, electricity usage, housing temperature, CO2 levels, humidity levels and water consumption.

This big data source increases by over 300,000 data points per day and will grow beyond 130m data points during the project. uSmart Integrates all these different data sources into one place to enable research and innovation.

The data analytics provides information for decision-makers who are able to use these findings as a base for targeted education campaigns to decrease energy use, identify people in or at risk of fuel poverty and make positive interventions to support healthy living.


Public benefits of uSmart 

  • Identify people in or at risk of fuel poverty or risk of asthma.
  • Ensure customers know how to use their utility services.
  • Enable data reuse to develop new products and services to help us all live happier and healthier lives.
  • Illustrate the risk of damp and future repair savings
  • Reduce property visits and management costs.
  • Analytics reduce property repair costs with a 600% return on investment.

How uSmart assists organisations

uSmart is a scaleable self-serve and report-building platform that’s built from clean, centralised data in real-time.

The tool will help organizations around the UK to join disparate datasets to provide a broader picture of performance and enable more informed decision-making.

uSmart enables you to create more value from your data by integrating and merging any data from any source. The tool uses AI and machine learning to unlock new insights from data that helps organizations identify areas of opportunity by utilising benchmarking tools in real time.

Get in touch to request a demo today to see how uSmart can help your organisation unlock real-time data insights you can trust.


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