21.5% of all excess winter deaths are caused by cold housing. It's critical that we find innovative ways to tackle the growing fuel poverty crisis.
Sunderland City Council works with a wide range of service providers to offer care to its vulnerable and aging residents.
With the growing cost of living crisis - and the inextricable link between fuel poverty and poor health - Sunderland City Council needed an innovative data solution that would help them plan the distribution of support services across the region and target care intervention where it’s most needed.
Through the uSmart data insights platform, UrbanTide were able to provide Sunderland City Council with a broad range of datasets that would help them identify ageing households most at risk of fuel poverty and cold and damp home.
The platform integrates smart meter data with health, housing and demographic data to provide reliable insights that help SCC efficiently plan support services and better target care interventions.
1 billion anonymised cross-sector data points used to identify and target support services.
Poor housing costs the NHS around £1.4 billion every year.
1 in 4
By 2050, 1 in 4 people will be over 65. Our homes need to be safe for all ages.
By linking health, housing, energy and demographic data, we can gain new insights that will save lives.
Our partnership and shared vision
uZero continues to provide Sunderland City Council with critical data insights about its citizens that could save lives as they tackle the impact of the fuel poverty crisis in the region.
By integrating a broad scope of data, SCC can improve conversations around fuel poverty in Sunderland and better target their services.
About Sunderland City Council
Sunderland City Council provides more than 800 different services to improve the quality of life for all residents in the city.
Working with local residents, businesses, public sector partners, and the voluntary and community sector, the council strives to create the best conditions for everyone in the city to be healthy, safe and successful.
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
Reducing emissions and improving health with active travel
Cycling Scotland
Targeting energy-efficiency campaigns to households most in need
Greater South East Net Zero Hub
Protecting an aging population from fuel poverty
Dartford Borough Council and Dover District Council
Identifying households eligible for energy grant support
The Wise Group
Facilitating active travel behavioural change with data
Helping identify customers in or at risk of fuel poverty.
UK Power Networks
Open data promotes transparency, builds trust and empower citizens
Ireland Open Data Training
Identifying and unlocking new revenue from business rates with AI
North Lanarkshire
Tackling the growing
fuel poverty crisis with data and AI
Understanding how we live and use our homes with real-time energy data
Managing the impact of noise pollution on our cities
Accelerating the transformation of the UK’s energy systems
Energy Systems Catapult
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